Adam Brodziak
1 min readJan 23, 2017


The tensions at technology choice (new shiny vs old stable) is only part of the problem. Even more important is to build a common understanding of development and operations needs. By having such rapport technology choice becomes secondary issue.

An excellent example is logging and monitoring of an application. Quite often developers (myself included) feel the need to log everything, even on production. Something that is completely fine and useful at development and testing phase can became quite burdensome at production. It often combines with leaving framework defaults, which can generate lots of noise.

Huge amount of logs are difficult to transmit and store, not to mention are very hard to reason about. Just imaging yourself being called up in the middle of the night for emergency situation. You’re being sleepy, while other people are already nervous, because situation is serious. In such stressful state you have to figure out what happened by looking at the mess in logs.

I understand that making log messages useful is difficult. Clarity and brevity are hard to achieve, but well worth it. It is a path to becoming better developer and better person.

